Regina 3.9.3 5 October 2019 Changes in this release (from 3.9.1) ------------------------------------ * Fix for Bug #456, #463, #474, #484, #489, #490 * Fix for Bug #311, #312, #392, #394, #422, #454, #500, #501, #508, #511, #512, #524, #525, #528, #529 * Fixed some issues with bug #455; some still remain * Removal of some compilation warnings * Fix for syscls() under Linux * Changed addons dir in regina-config script to exclude prefix - breakage * Add optional setting of PATHEXT under Windows installer * Recognise Windows 10 in UNAME BIF * Enabled rxstack to run as a Websocket server. This allows a portable mechanism for other languages to use the Regina stack process; eg Javascript * Added .DIRSEP reserved variable for current directory separator * Added NOEOL option on ADDRESS...WITH INPUT.. to suppress Regina's default of appending EOL to each line read from the INPUT. Bug #525 * Support ~ as first character in filenames under Un*x/Linux platforms to signify current user's HOME directory * Added 'I' option to sysfiletree() in regutil to enable files to be found irrespective of case * Add libregina.pc for pkg-config * Version information display via "regina -v" now goes to stdout * Added options to -v switch to provide more information to external function packages -va - displays location of Regina's addons directory -vb - displays number of bits for platform; eg 32 or 64 -vv - displays Regina numeric version; eg 3.9.3 * Added /list switch to rxqueue to list the names of the stacks held by a rxstack service * Added support for update-alternatives mechanism on Linux to allow Regina and ooRexx to be installed at the same time * Overhauled Linux packaging. Added Alpine Linux package support